Guide to Mechanical Keyboard Keycaps

Keycaps are an essential component of any mechanical keyboard, providing a personalized touch to your typing experience while influencing your setup’s overall aesthetics. 

This guide aims to explore the various keycap materials and profiles available in the market, looking at their unique characteristics and advantages.

Keycap Materials

Keycap materials can greatly influence the overall typing experience, aesthetics, and durability of your keyboard. Different keycap materials offer unique characteristics, so it’s essential to understand the options available. Here are some of the popular materials that keycaps are made of:

  • ABS(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

ABS keycaps are one of the most common and widely used keycap materials. They are lightweight and have a smooth, slightly shiny surface, and can develop wear over time with heavy use. These keycaps tend to be less expensive compared to other materials. Due to their lightweight nature, they might feel a bit “hollow” or less substantial. ABS keycaps are popular for gaming keyboards due to their smooth texture.

  • PBT(Polybutylene Terephthalate)

PBT keycaps are known for their superior durability and resistance to wear. They have a textured surface, which provides a grippier feel than ABS keycaps. PBT keycaps are less likely to develop shine over time, even with heavy use. They are on the expensive side of keycaps because of their manufacturing process, but the quality and durability of PBT keycaps make up for their price.

  • PC(Polycarbonate)

Polycarbonate keycaps are translucent and give way to impressive lighting effects, they are often used in backlit RGB keyboards. They have a smooth surface and good durability, and are resistant to high heat and chemicals. Polycarbonate keycaps can be more expensive than PBT or ABS keycaps.

  • Metal

The most common metal keycaps are made of Aluminum or Brass. They offer a premium, luxurious feel to a keyboard. They are durable and resistant to wear, making them a long-lasting choice, they give a unique typing experience with a firmer feel.  Metal keycaps are expensive, and the price goes up if they are made with a rare metal.

  • Wood

Wood keycaps provide a natural and aesthetic look to the keyboard. They are often handcrafted and come in various wood types and finishes. They are quite expensive because of the time that goes into making wooden keycaps. Wooden keycaps are generally less durable than other materials, so they can be more prone to wear and damage.

Keycap Profile

Keycap profiles refer to the shape and design of the keycaps. Different profiles offer different aesthetic and ergonomic benefits, and choosing the right keycap profile will greatly enhance your typing experience. Here is a list of some of the most common keycap profiles:

  1. OEM

OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) is one of the most common and popular keycap profiles. OEM keycaps are often found on pre-built keyboards and offer a comfortable typing experience.

  1. Cherry

The Cherry profile was named after Cherry Corporation, a German company that popularized this keycap shape. These keycaps offer a comfortable typing angle for most users, and are commonly used in Cherry-MX switches that are suitable for both typing and gaming.

  1. DSA 

DSA(Deep Sculpted Architecture) profile keycaps have a uniform cylindrical shape across all rows. Unlike other profiles, DSA keycaps do not have a different shape for each row, making them easy to swap and rearrange. DSA keycaps offer a flat typing surface, which some users find comfortable for extended typing sessions.

  1. SA

SA (Spherical All) profile keycaps have a distinctive spherical shape with a very tall profile. SA keycaps have sculpted rows, meaning each row has a unique shape to accommodate the varying finger lengths and angles.

  1. XDA

XDA keycaps are similar to DSA keycaps, they have a uniform cylindrical shape across all keys. However, they have a larger surface area providing more contact area for your fingertips. These keycaps are suitable for typing and gaming, offering a modern, minimalistic look.

Things to consider when getting a new keycap set

Ensure that the keycap set is compatible with your keyboard layout and switch type. Most keycap sets are designed to fit standard layouts, but some may have additional keys to support different layouts or unique layouts like split keyboards.

Keycaps come in various colors, designs, and themes. Choose a set that matches your preferred aesthetics and complements your keyboard and setup. Consider the material of the keycaps, each material has its own feel, durability, and resistance to shine.

Final Words on Keyboard Keycaps

In conclusion, keycap materials and profiles are essential considerations when choosing the right keycaps for your mechanical keyboard. Understanding the characteristics and benefits of each material and profile can help you make an informed decision based on your preferences, typing style, and intended use.